Follow along for our best tips, tricks, and advice that we've gathered after almost a decade of making wedding magic happen!
Photo by Aaron Watson Photography There you are with your head in the clouds…you are engaged and about to embark on a very exciting journey. But (unfortunately), first things first…come down from the clouds because we need to talk “budget”. While it is safe to say that creating a wedding budget is no walk in […]
Audra Jones Photography There is no denying that every newlywed couple needs a little R&R after the big day is over. The exhaustion of planning, coupled with the anticipation and excitement of the big day is enough to send anyone into a brief period of hibernation. So whether you are jet setting off to somewhere […]
Photo by Aaron Watson Photography Okay, so as you know planning a wedding leaves you with plenty of stuff to think about…dresses, flowers, your bridal party and so many other things that you probably don’t even realize yet. However, there is one decision that takes the cake…choosing your wedding venue. This aspect of wedding planning […]